Our Dowsing Services

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I aim to always provide the best water location services for my customers! While most of my dowsing work is done in Northern California, I can travel to any location to locate your water supply. My services are versatile—I have worked for individuals, corporations, and wineries, owning small parcels to several thousand-acre ranches in search of water locations. I also dowse for oil and gas, minerals, shipwrecks.

What We Do

Water Wells

I assist in locating water wells and provide advice on follow-up steps.

Oil & Gas Wells

I determine all relevant details, including depth, size, and quality.


Dowsing is a great tool to find buried metals, ores, gemstones, and more.

Book an Appointment


Water Wells

  • Locate underground water stratas
  • Determine depth and estimated production of water stratas
  • Advise drilling methods and consult with drilling companies
  • Determine accessibility for drilling equipment
  • Provide a report with a GPS Google Mapping system on each well

Oil & Gas Wells

  • Provide map dowsing, as well as “boots on the ground” methods
  • Determine depths and oil production per day
  • Determine the quality and size of the reserve


  • Locate minerals underground
  • Consult on follow-up
  • In-person and remote

Special Services

  • Custom requests
  • I have a state-of-the-art 70’’ LED TV with a Google Earth mapping system that enables me to remote dowse anywhere in the world.
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