About Me

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In my time as a dowser, I have helped over 4000 individuals and companies find water.

What I Do

Water Wells

I assist in locating water wells and provide advice on follow-up steps.

Oil & Gas Wells

I determine all relevant details, including depth, size, and quality.


Dowsing is a great tool to find buried metals, ores, gemstones, and more.

My Story

NNNRob Thompson is a third-generation dowser who co-owned one of the largest drilling companies in Northern California for 10 years. He is a licensed contractor, holds an engineering contractor license, and is the owner of Thompson Builders, Inc.

Rob credits his mentors—his uncle Wayne Thompson and Laurie Wood of Napa County—for being the greatest dowsers and mentors. They have given him the knowledge and insight that has guided him to perfect his craft.

Rob Thompson is a proud member of:

  • Bennett Valley Grange
  • Santa Rosa 20/30 Club
  • Sonoma County Farm Bureau
  • American Society of Dowsers

Rob has also been featured in the following media publications:

  • Wall Street Journal
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • Channel 7 ABC Prime Time Documentary
  • Channel 2 KTVU News
  • UpBeat Times
  • Vineyard & Winery Manager Magazine
  • New York Times
  • Press Democrat
  • CNBC National News
  • CBS 5 Local News
  • ABC 7 Local News
  • CBS National News

Only the Best



As a professional dowser, I pride myself on my integrity and the high standards of respect I have for my clients.


Although I mainly work in northern California, I can travel to any location. I also provide remote services.


I am a third-generation dowser with several success stories and testimonials from happy clients.

Years Established

Completed Projects

“There are a million theories on how dowsing works. The practice of dowsing is not an exact science. It’s an art that has worked for mankind for thousands of years before the study of science began.”

Rob Thompson – Dowser

Client Testimonials & Success Stories

Client Testimonials

Rob has been working successfully with wineries throughout Northern California for years.
“I’ve relied on him for many wells in many areas on the thousands of acres we farm.” Said Mark Neal, President of Jack Neal and Son, a vineyard management company based in Saint Helena. “We farm about 2,999 acres in Napa and Sonoma counties and Rob has always come through for us.” Neal said he thinks of dowsing as more of an art form than a science – something that can be practiced only by people who have the gift.

Success Stories

Jack Neal and Sons

Recently Rob dowsed another property of Jack Neal and Sons on a 399 acre ranch they manage in the Sonoma County Wine Country. While drilling the well, Rob received a call from Rick Neal, owner/manager, saying the driller thought they may want to stop and move to another location since they were in pure shale and a serpentine formation at 300 feet. Rob spoke to the driller and said they should go at least 400 to 425 feet deep since this is where he had felt the first water, despite the terrible formation they were in. Rick Neal called the driller and said “Take the test hole down to 422.” Later the same day, Rick called and said, “Rob – you showed us the water!” proclaiming “We hit 200 to 300 gallons a minute after 400 feet.” It was another successful adventure for the owner and dowser.

Delectus Winery – Knights Valley

Recently Rob was hired to dowse property in Knights Valley for Delectus Winery. The property had 22 test holes chosen by a local geologist company that uses oil well sounding equipment to find fractures in volcanic formations. Out of the 22 wells drilled, 3 produced 30 gpm and 2 have almost dried up. After spending a tremendous amount of money on the geologist and drilling companies, only one well for 112 acres of potential grape vineyards was available. Rob was contacted to locate more wells. The first well drilled was a location Rob could feel from more than a quarter of a mile away on the top of a very steep mountain. It would be difficult access for large drilling equipment. The cost to cut a road into the mountain would be expensive. There was no doubt for Rob – he insisted they go for it. They proceeded with Rob’s first choice and hit a gusher at 300 feet. The driller estimated it was producing well over 200 gpm. The second well drilled produced around 30 gpm. Delectus Winery was able to plant their vineyard and proceed with plans for the future winery.

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