Dowsing Information

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Dowsing is a traditional practice and, in modern times, is still used by relevant industries to locate resources. If you’re looking to engage with dowsing, read on to learn more.

History of Dowsing

The first known recorded history of dowsing was discovered by to French explores in Tsali, Africa in the 17th century.  They discovered depictions of man dowsing with forked willow sticks drawn on the cave walls.  These pictures were found to be 7,000 to 8,000 years old.  And many believe this ancient art dates back even further than that.

From references in the Bible to French explorers ancient art of dowsing has been practiced in many countries for thousands of years. The earliest reference to dowsing as it is practiced to day came from the German speaking lands of northern Europe in the fifteenth century. By the sixteenth century miners in several parts of Germany were using dowsing to locate veins of mineral ore. Georg Bauer also known as Geogius Agricola (1494 – 1555) described how dowsers search for ore in his famous work De Re Metallca. He wrote: All alike grasp the forks of the twig with their hands, clenching their fists, it being necessary that their clenched fingers should be held towards the sky in order that the twig should be raised at the end where the two branches meet. Then they wander hither and thither at random through mountainous regions. It is said that the moment they place their feet on the vein the twig immediately turns and twists and so by its action discloses the vein; when they move their feet again and go away from that spot the twig becomes once more immobile.

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Dowsing in Modern Times

In more modern times, dowsing has been, and is still, used in many areas of life. Locating underground water supplies, oil and minerals, health and healing, archaeological searches, detecting earth energies, site surveys for building, tracing lost objects and people, geopathic stress, agriculture and soil testing, and fault finding, are among the many uses for the art of dowsing in modern times.

Today dowsing is practiced in many areas that include:

  • Engineering Companies
  • Water Companies
  • Mining Companies
  • Wineries
  • Building Contractors
  • Farmers
  • Government Departments
  • Armed Forces

Various Dowsing Instruments

Y Rods

The most common dowsing instrument is a Y-shaped branch from a tree—whether from a specific tree or a fresh cut. The two ends are held in each hand, with the third pointing forward. The dowsing rod is expected to dip, incline, or twitch when a discovery is made.

L Rods

Most dowsers in recent times use a pair of L-shaped rods, with the short arm of the L held in each hand and the longer pointing forward. The rods cross over each other when they detect something below the ground.
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